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ANRE Order 59/2014 (translation available)


The Official Gazette of Romania Part I no. 521 of July 14th 2014

The National Energy Regulatory Authority

  • Order no. 59 of July 1st 2014 amending the Order of the President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority no. 74/2013 for the approval of the Procedure on power connection for the testing period and certification of technical compliance of wind and photovoltaic power plants and repealing paragraph (4) of art. 25 of the Technical Norm “Technical conditions of connection to the power grids of public interest for photovoltaic power plants”, approved by Order of the President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority no. 30/2013

You can download the ANRE Order in Romanian here:

Ordin ANRE 59 din 2014 – Monitorul nr. 521 din 14.07.2014

A translation into English is available IMMEDIATELY, at the price of EUR 7.4 (the document has 1.85 pages; 1 page = 2,000 characters with spaces). Please fill in the form below to order a translation. Mention the text you need translation for in the “Other information” box. You can simply add the link to Romaniascout’s webpage were you found the Romanian text. You will receive a pro-forma invoice at the e-mail address specified and after the payment is done, you will receive the translation together with the fiscal invoice. In order to speed up this process, please send the proof of payment to mariana.stan@romaniascout.ro.

You can download the Procedure in Romanian here:

Procedure_ANRE_Order 59_2014_ro

A translation into English is available upon request, at the price of EUR 296.6 (the document has 74.15 pages; 1 page = 2,000 characters with spaces). To order a translation please contact us at mariana.stan@romaniascout.ro.


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