ANRE Order 52/2019 (translation available)


The Official Journal of Romania Part I No. 301 of April 18, 2019

National Regulatory Authority for Energy – ANRE

  • Order No. 52/2019 approving the Methodology for the establishment of gas quantities that producers are bound to sell with priority to ensure the entire consumption needs of household customers and thermal energy producers, only for the gas quantity used to produce heat in combined heat and power plants and in thermal power stations intended for the consumption of the population, from domestic production and/or storage facilities and amending and supplementing the Network Code for the National Gas Transmission System, approved by Order of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Energy No. 16/2013

You can download the ANRE Order in Romanian here: ANRE Order 52/2019

A translation into English is available IMMEDIATELY, at the price of EUR 120.24 (the source document has 30.06 pages; 1 page = 2,000 characters with spaces; price per page = EUR 4). To order this translation, please contact us at

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