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Energy Strategy for Romanians: “Romania needs energy vision


by Dumitru Chisalita, Energy Expert

Energy vision for Romania of 2035 must derive from Romania’s security objectives, in which the energy component, in the current geopolitical context, must play an important role. Pragmatism of this vision must start from the construction of an optimal energy mix, but without stopping to energy governance and investor interest in energy companies. Given the changes that occur worldwide and in Europe, the vision that will underpin the energy strategy is essential for the next 25-30 years. The vision will determine the strategic objectives and tactics to achieve them and will also define priorities for action. We believe that before anything the energy strategy must be based on an intelligent approach of energy. Economic contraction, the geostrategic situation, EU energy market development, massive volatility of energy demand and supply with successions of surplus/deficit, surplus of production capacities, attracting and repelling investors in renewable energy, environmental damage, climate change and energy poverty, they all determine the need for ENERGY VISION. The recovery of Romanian economy and regional economies will be a slow, energy consumption, amid increased energy efficiency and competition, will be low in the coming years, but will bring prices for which some of the current energy production capacities or potential new investments will not be viable. In this context, bold, innovative action is required, but with a high degree of mobility and flexibility. Thus, the intelligent approach of energy would ensure: for the society the necessary energy utilities, feasible in obtaining and delivery, sustainable in society, safe in use and predictable in approach. Through smart energy we summarize, without limitation to: energy efficiency, energy management, smart grid, smart metering, trading platforms, limiting energy poverty, creation of the single energy market, market liberalization, dissemination and education of consumers, valuing the extrinsic energy resources, exploiting the added value of current energy systems etc. These all, approached together – technically, economically, commercially, legally, politically, socially and ecologically, can meet the future requirements of the Romanians. A vision for the energy strategy could be: energy security, energy intelligence, social responsibility and sustainability.

  • Intelligent energy: innovation and inventiveness for energy security.
  • Social responsibility: efficiency and effectiveness for access to sustainable energy.
  • Sustainability: competitiveness and access to energy sources for Romanians.

In this context, the purpose of developing the energy strategy is “to ensure Romania’s energy security, supporting competitiveness, maintaining the optimal balance between resources, needs and environmental protection.” Given the organization manner, but also the perception of the state in the energy sector, an important element in establishing the energy vision of Romania should be to determine the future role of the state in the energy field. A potential approach the future role of the state in the energy field, in the following chronological order, could be: developing strategies and policies, development of support schemes, shareholder, regulator, service provider and tax collector.

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Blog: www.dumitruchisalita.ro.

The English version of the campaign Energy Strategy for Romanians (StrategiaEnergeticaPentruRomani):


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