ANRE Order 25/2013, ANRE Order 26/2013


–         Published in the Official Gazette of Romania Part I no. 244/April 29th 2013 –

Order of the National Energy Regulatory Authority no. 25 dated April 26th 2013

on the establishment of the regulated tariff for the provision of the underground natural gas storage service by the Commercial Company “Depomures” – S.A. Targu Mures

Order of the National Energy Regulatory Authority no. 26 dated April 26th 2013

on the establishment of the regulated tariff for the provision of the underground natural gas storage service by the National Natural Gas Company “Romgaz” – S.A. Medias

You can download the documents in Romanian here:

Ordin ANRE nr. 25 din 26.04.13 – M.OF. nr. 244 din 29.04.13

Ordin ANRE nr. 26 din 26.04.13 – M.Of. nr. 244 din 29.04.13

A translation into English is available IMMEDIATELY at the price of EUR 12.20 including both documents (3.05 pages in total; 1 page = 2000 characters with spaces). To order a translation, contact us at