ANRE Order 56/2014 (free translation)


Order no. 56 of 26/06/2014

Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 475 of 27/06/2014

Effective: 27/06/2014

Order no. 56/2014 on the approval of the minimum inventory of natural gas for holders of supply licenses and the level of natural gas inventory for the holder of the operating license of the National Natural Gas Transmission System, for the 2014-2015 storage cycle

 In consideration of the provisions of art. 8 of the Methodology on the annual determination of the minimum inventory of natural gas for holders of supply licenses and the level of natural gas inventory for the holder of the operating license of the National Natural Gas Transmission System, approved by Order of the President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority no. 4/2013,

pursuant to the provisions of art. 10 paragraph (1) letter a) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 33/2007 on the organization and functioning of the National Energy Regulatory Authority, approved with amendments and additions by Law no. 160/2012,

The President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority issues this Order:

Art. 1. – Approving the level of the minimum natural gas inventory for the storage cycle of 2014-2015, at the level of 19,772,534.514MWh, broken down as follows:

a) inventory related to the regulated segment of the natural gas market – 11,566,492.720MWh;

b) inventory related to the competitive segment of the natural gas market – 8,206,041.794MWh;

Art. 2. – Approving the recalculated level of the minimum natural gas inventory that holders of the supply license ensuring the natural gas supply for end-customers are required to hold in the underground storage facilities at the end of the injection cycle of 2014, stipulated in the annex, which is an integral part of this Order.

Art. 3. – (1) Approving the natural gas inventory that the National Natural Gas Company “Transgaz” – S.A. is required to hold in the underground storage facilities at the end of the injection cycle of 2014, at the level of 212,000MWh.

(2)In the situation of using the natural gas inventory stipulated under paragraph (1), the National Natural Gas Transmission Company “Transgaz” – S.A. is required to restore it by the end of each calendar month, in the interval October 2014 – March 2015, based on contracts of acquisition natural gas stored by a holder of the supply license.

(3)By the 15th of each calendar month, the National Natural Gas Transmission Company “Transgaz” – S.A. shall submit to the National Energy Regulatory Authority the supporting documents on natural gas acquisition, in the case of restoring the natural gas inventory, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (2).

Art. 4. –Upon the entry into force of this Order, the Order of the President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority no. 23/2014 on the approval of the minimum inventory of natural gas for holders of supply licenses and the level of natural gas inventory for the holder of the operating license of the National Natural Gas Transmission System, for the 2014-2015 storage cycle, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 247 of April 7th 2014.

Art. 5. –This Order shall be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.

President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority,
Niculae Havrileţ

Bucharest, 26 June 2014.

No. 56.


    The recalculated level of the minimum natural gas inventory that holders of the supply license ensuring the natural gas supply for end-customers are required to hold in the underground storage facilities at the end of the injection cycle of 2014




You can download the Order in Romanian here:

Ordin ANRE 56 din 2014 – Monitorul nr. 475 din 27.06.2014