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ANRE Order 8/2013


ANRE Order for establishing the mandatory quota of green certificates acquisition related to 2012

– published in the Official Gazette of Romania Part I no. 118 from March 1st 2013

Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 9 paragraph (1) letter x) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 33/2007 on ANRE’s organization and functioning, approved with amendments and additions under the Law no. 160/2012, of Art. 4 paragraph (9) of the Law no. 220/2008 for the establishment of the promotion energy for energy generation from renewable sources, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions,

The President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority issues this order:

Art. 1 – The mandatory quota of green certificates acquisition by economic operators who have the obligation to acquire green certificates, for 2012, is established at 0.1188 green certificates/MWh.

Art. 2. – S.C. OPCOM S.A., producers of electricity from renewable sources and economic operators referred to in Art. 1 shall fulfill the provisions of this order.

Art. 3 – The organizational entities within the National Energy Regulatory Authority shall monitor the compliance with the provisions of this order.

Art. 4. – This order shall be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.

President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority


Source: www.anre.ro

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net