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Romania ranks the 13th in the top of the most attractive countries for investments in renewable energy


Romania ranks the 13th in Ernst & Young top measuring the attractiveness for investors of renewable energy projects in 40 countries, keeping its position from the previous year. The “Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Indices” report for December 2012 – February 2013 places Romania before countries such as Poland, Turkey, Spain and Austria. In terms of attractiveness of investments depending on the type of renewable sources targeted, Romania ranks the 10th in the wind energy top, as in the previous edition of the report, from November 2012, after big economic powers such as Germany, China, U.S., UK and France. In terms of solar energy, Romania ranks in the second part of the top, the 24th, but before Poland and Bulgaria. Ernst & Young notices however that this market is very active in Romania, which indicates substantial growth projections in 2013 of the installed power of solar capacities. These projections are also supported by the advanced degree of development of such projects, the easier authorization process than for the other forms of renewable energy, the shorter development period and especially the much more advantageous scheme for supporting investments in solar energy than in the other forms of renewable energy. EDP Renovaveis, EDP’s renewable energy division, is already developing in Romania solar energy projects with a total power of 39MW, planned for completion in Q1 2013. These are the first solar energy projects of the EDP group. Also, RCS & RDS has made two acquisitions in the solar energy sector, total capacity of the acquired projects being 13.7MW. The effervescence of the solar segment has been however slightly tempered by certain discussions in the market on changing the support scheme.

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