No shale gas in Campia Aradului and Curtici


Shale gas potential in Curtici and Campia Aradului regions is inexistent, in the case of the first locality having interest only for conventional resources, Panfora Oil&Gas specified on Friday in a press release, in response to a number of media articles appeared in recent days. “There is no potential for shale gas in Curtici or in Campia Aradului, according to official data from the competent authority – the National Agency for Mineral Resources. Moreover, in Curtici there are no ongoing exploration or production activities, nor will they take place, related in any way to shale gas. The competent authorities haven’t received any type of specifications on shale gas in Curtici and the authorities certify that the work program and the commitments in this regard don’t include works for shale gas exploration and exploitation”, the quoted communique reads.