ANRE: Gas price liberalization for industrial consumers could be postponed by one year, until December 31st 2015


Gas market for non-household customers will be liberalized by December 31st 2015, the measure being agreed by IMF representatives, ANRE President Niculae Havrilet stated on Wednesday for Agerpres. “The measure is in line with Law no. 123 (Law 123/2012 on electricity and natural gas – Ed.), which stipulates that liberalization for non-household consumers will be made by 2014, with the possibility of extension if there are significant differences between the price of imported gas and the price of domestic gas. This avoids unsustainable price hikes at the end of the period. The question was raised: what if on October 1st 2014 it is found that the difference is too high? So, we agreed to continue to go on existing timetables, but specify that liberalization can be made by December 31st 2015”, Havrilet said.